Roman Republic Military - Every soldier who goes to war must have proper equipment. Over the centuries, the development of the weapons of the Roman soldiers changed like a kaleidoscope. However, it was only after Marius's reforms that Rome's military gained importance. Well-trained, she also needed better equipment, which, with a capable soldier, became an insurmountable obstacle.
The legionnaire differed significantly from his counterpart from the beginning of the Republic, for example from the 2nd century AD. However, the changes mainly affect the quality of individual components and the style of the weapon. The basic components of the weapon are always:
Roman Republic Military
Josephus Flavius wrote in the 1st century AD that each soldier carried, in addition to weapons: a saw, basket, bucket, axe, leather belt, scythe, chain, and food rations to last three days.
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Soldiers carried sacks of goods - kegs, a supper blade and provisions on a wooden pole.
) was used and it was drawn with a special tool. At first they were used only by foreign troops, led by Cretan archers and Balearic unhooks. These weapons were later used by auxiliary forces.
) introduced, is worn on the right leg, which was originally worn only by the arm and tattva. During the Empire, the metal rail was replaced with leather or wool, reaching half the calves. The legs were attached at the ankles.
), spades and peat pick shovels, crescent-shaped, placed on a pole. The Romans also had a device for marking out a grid of rectangles. It was hot
Military Insignia And Standards Of The Ancient Roman Republic And Empire High Res Vector Graphic
. Thanks to this device, they were able to set up the plan for the camp, and based on that they built it very quickly. Such a tool was found during excavations at Pompeii. The
To increase the flexibility of the legion, as a result of Marius's reform, soldiers were ordered to carry knapsacks (
In the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, Roman units on the frontiers underwent a significant transformation that fundamentally changed the nature and form of the Roman imperial army. The Roman army increasingly used horses to meet and fight off a series of brutal attacks. This was primarily due to the fact that the barbarians began to use cavalry more extensively in their operations.
The presence of troops from outside Rome led to the widespread use of Eastern and Germanic weapons, armor, and fighting methods. Among other things it should be mentioned here
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Borrowed from German - a spear used in the Roman army compared to the Roman army
Cavalry was more effective in stabbing defense, but also had good qualities like the spear. Two of these weapons were in possession of the soldier.
However, it should be noted that the Roman solutions were also used by the barbarians, so the transformations in the army did not occur in only one direction.
The more widespread use of cavalry meant that the gladius began to be replaced by a long, straight, double-edged sword.
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The dagger was sharpened and was usually used for wounds; Because of the longer blade, it was more likely to reach the rider on horseback. The
It was characterized by a medium-length sword hit, heavier than a gladius, and a standard medium-length sword, a thick, straight hand guard, and a pommel that appeared to be a miniature form of a crossguard. Unlike the gladius, it is primarily suited for use in tight infantry formations under the cover of a large shield.
More suitable for cavalry and fighting in a loose formation (however, this does not rule out a compact formation).
Armor The protection of the Roman soldier began with a round, elliptical or, rarely, oval shield modeled after the Germanic style. The armor weighed more than 3.5 kg. Among armors, chain mail and scale armor are the most popular.
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Interestingly, Vegetius (a late Roman writer) mentions in his "De Re Military" that the Roman soldiers completely abandoned the wearing of armour; However, this is either an error on the author's part or information that suggests the Romans had specially designated lighting devices.
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If you like the content I collect on the site and share on social media channels, I would be grateful for your support. To discover what made the Roman army so successful during war, we must first understand the types of men that made up the Roman army. If we can better understand the various units and soldiers that the Romans used on the battlefield, we can paint a clearer picture of the organization and tactics of the Roman army and how they led to victory over their enemies. In this section we will look at the different types of skirmishers, infantry and cavalry used by the Romans during the Roman Republic, as well as the types of weapons and armor they used.
The young and often poor population of the Roman Republic consisted of the able-bodied male population, ranging in age from late teens to early twenties. During this time, members of the army had to purchase their own weapons and armor
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About three feet long. The armor worn by the Velites consisted only of a small protective cap on the head
It was usually covered with wolf skin and helped distinguish Velites from other soldiers on the battlefield. Wells' primary weapon was the throwing javelin or spear
). The abomination was 6 feet long overall with a soft iron head and two feet long. This soft iron head is designed to bend after making contact with the target. This bowing of the head ensured that the enemy could not throw it back and use it to their advantage. After the Marian reforms in 107 BC the Velites withdrew as a unit.
It was made by gluing together two large pieces of wood about four feet high and two and a half feet wide. The wood was then covered with layers of canvas, hiding the edges while they were on
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Lined with iron to help deflect incoming enemy sword strikes. called a large piece of iron
Mounted on the front of the armor to help defend against missile attacks from enemy archers and hunters. Plus
It was a short sword made of strong and light steel, said to have been adopted in contact with the Celtiberian tribes from Spain, hence the nickname. Legionnaires often trained with heavier wooden versions
Instead of drawing the sword across the body as is common with other swords, it hangs from the user's riding position, requiring the soldier to draw the sword upwards. each one
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) were thrown into enemy formations to disrupt their lines before the skirmish. In addition to lethality, there is also a soft iron head
When an enemy comes in contact with the shield it will bend, making it almost impossible to take it out. Now incredibly difficult to carry and use, armor was usually thrown, making approaching soldiers defenseless and easy to dispatch. The
) formed the second line of infantry in the army of Republican Rome. Made men
They were said to be "men in the prime of life" and were in their mid to late twenties. Polybius says
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If they find that they have too much trouble in dispatching the enemy they retreat and make holes in the line to make room for reserves.
Later fighting side by side in a single line, the enemy would now find it difficult to face not only the new Roman soldiers but also the more experienced ones. The
The wealthiest members of the Roman infantry were usually in their thirties. Most armies have 1200+ hasts and principles, no
Like other infantry, but if they are rich they can buy or purchase a letter
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For extra protection. Their helmets displayed more plumes and feathers than the rest of the infantry, giving the illusion that they were much taller than the enemy and instilling fear. If the match goes well
Did not have to participate in the competition. However, if the two front lines of infantry are still unable to overwhelm the enemy, they will fall back
They would rise from their kneeling position behind the line and engage the enemy with their long spears. From actually using
On the battlefield, it meant that things were not going well for the Romans, leading to the creation of the Roman expression: "Things went down.
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The Roman army's cavalry were the wealthiest citizens of the republic. These horsemen also had the added benefit of being idle
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